Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Book Review an Inconvenient Truth - 1464 Words

Book Review An Inconvenient Truth: The Planetary Emergency of Global Warming and What We Can Do About It By Al Gore Rodale Press, 2006. 328 pp. ISBN: 1-59486-567-1, $28.95 While the issue of climate change has been given worldwide attention since the signing of the Kyoto Protocol, it has never been profoundly realized as impending or of great concern until publication of the book An Inconvenient Truth by Al Gore, former vice president and former Democratic candidate for president of the United States. Beyond his prominent political identity, Al Gore is a longtime advocate of environmental protection who organized the first Congressional hearings on global warming in the late 1970s. In his first book, Earth in the Balance, he started†¦show more content†¦With humor, he compares their behavior to tobacco companies that have used propaganda techniques to deny the adverse effects of smoking. He quotes Upton Sinclair to satirize the behavior of the front groups and their sponsors: â€Å"It’s very hard to get a man to understand something when his salary depends on him not understanding it.† In his book, Gore unreservedly denounces the Bush administration. He argues that, with â€Å"100 percent agreement† among scientists, 57% of newspaper and magazine articles still question the fact of global warming. This figure, he explains, is the result of disinformation supplied by the Bush government, aiming to ignore environmental issues in order to obtain more economic profit. Gore is an effective lecturer who succeeds in arousing the readers’ fear and attention on the issue of environmental crisis. He provides the public an inside look at the relationship between human welfare and the ecological system. His persuasive presentation, however, conveys the message that there is no need to despair, because â€Å"we can do something about this† and we have the ability to solve this problem. He writes, â€Å"Each of us can become part of the solution: in the decisions we make on what we buy, the amount of electricity we use, the cars we drive and how we live our lives.† He adds that with humanShow MoreRelatedHum -102 - Week 1 - Humanities Today Paper871 Words   |  4 PagesIntroduction Humanities allows us to look at the past, the past will allow us to see what our future holds. This paper will examine how the study of humanities is differentiated between other modes of expression. The paper will also review examples of art, music, architecture, philosophy, literature and film that reflect current socio-economics, technology and politics. Humanities Defined The study of humanity provides insight into how humans have developed culturally. 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