Friday, February 28, 2020

Innovative Organisations Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words - 2

Innovative Organisations - Essay Example By virtually every measure, Ryanair has managed to develop positive leadership innovation, process innovation and product/service innovation by creating new business models and business structures designed to bring long-term value to the business. This report identifies Ryanair’s strategies in innovation, an assessment of these innovations, and also a description of how the author of this report could contribute effectively to the long-term future of Ryanair. Innovation is key to any successful enterprise. There are a wide variety of acceptable definitions of innovation, one of which is the successful creation and launch of a new product or service concept which provides significant competitive advantage to today’s firms. Competitive advantage means utilising this new innovative idea or concept and applying it using a market-focused methodology which outperforms competing companies and gains market share in the process. This report highlights the activities of Ryanair, the low-frills, discount airline company, which provide innovation in the airline industry and a stronger business portfolio. Ryanair was established in the 1990s as one of the first no-frills discount airline companies in Europe. The company, with this discount philosophy, has managed to increase its market share against major competitors such as Lufthansa and Air France-KLM (Done, 2009), which is not an easy task to accomplish considering how long these airline companies have been a staple airline carriers in Europe. When the company was first implemented, there did not seem to be a heavy consumer demand for no-frills services, or perhaps the company simply lacked marketing focus, as the business was riddled with heavy losses and an inability to seize a higher volume of market share than that of its competition (Done). However, today, Ryanair has managed to redevelop its previous business model, making it more adaptive to consumer needs, which is bringing the

Tuesday, February 11, 2020

The public needs to know Research Proposal Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

The public needs to know - Research Proposal Example Its management is also costly and leaves most families poor besides the fact that available management strategies only slows down the disease’s effects. I, in this paper, present a proposal for a business of developing a new drug for cancer patients in order to reduce cancer’s currently experienced effects. Economic situation The new drug development is expected to cost about one billion U.S. dollars, inclusive of involved tax and miscellaneous expenses. Most of the projected cost will be invested in research and will be used to purchase research facilities and to offer remunerations and incentives to researchers, research assistants, and research participants. Some donors, research agencies, government institutions, and nongovernmental organizations have pledged their support for the initiative, and received and pledged donations amount to $ 400 million. This is, however, 60 percent short of the total required amount. As a result, the next phase of the drug development project that was scheduled to kick off in four months time may be delayed. Being a social initiative, the drug development program is not profit oriented and will rely on donations from well-wishers. We therefore appeal for further donations from people and organizations to facilitate the project that will develop a low cost drug for managing cancer (Neidle, 2011). Special needs of the target population The project seeks to meet diversified social needs. The overall benefit of the drug in suppressing cancerous growths and involved consequences on patients and the society will serve these needs. One of the special needs is the preservation of cancer victims’ lives. Even though the developed drug does not offer treatment to the disease, preliminary research indicates that it will greatly suppress cancerous growths, at any stage, and therefore sustain victims’ lives. The suppressed growth will further minimize and possibly mitigate pain among cancer patients to achieve h igh quality of life. Retention of a cancer patient’s cognitive ability is another special need that the developed drug will meet. This will be derived from the drug’s potential to suppress further growth and to subsequently control realized symptoms among patients. Preliminary tests have also indicated the drug’s milder side effects, as compared to those of the currently applied cancer management techniques such as chemotherapy, which will meet the need for more effective drugs with less significant side effects (Livestrong, n.d.). Process The proposed drug development project will follow the laid down guidelines for developing and testing a new drug. The first involved step, preclinical research, has been done. This involved scientific research into development of cancerous cells, involved factors into such growth and proposed drug components for countering the growths. The next stage of the development process will involve a multi staged set of trials with inc reasing number of test participants at each advanced stage. Each of the trial stages will involve evaluation of effects of the drug on cancerous growth and possible effects on the volunteers. The process will involve three trials in which 50 volunteers will participate in the first trial, 200 participants will be involved in the second trial and 2000 in the third trial. The drug, upon successful tests, will then be filed with the responsible national drug agency for approval. The remaining stages of the