Sunday, December 29, 2019

Understanding Justice and Human Rights - 1227 Words

Justice can be defined as, valuing the diversity and challenging the injustice in society while human rights refer to, benefits an individual enjoys by virtual of being a human being. Justice is said to exist when all citizens share a general humanity and, therefore, experience equitable treatment, fair community resource sharing and human right support. According to justice citizens are not supposed to be discriminated, nor their well being or welfare prejudiced or constrained on the lines of gender, religion, age, belief, race, political affiliation and even sexuality. Nathaniel Bacon was leader who believed in war as a means of obtaining justice and protecting the rights of slaves (Zinn 23). He fought as a rebellion†¦show more content†¦Servants who bore children before marriage were considered disobedient to their masters, and termed unclean. Their children could be called Barsterds in the community. However, in today’s society, servants have right. The servants are aware of their rights and freedoms. They can marry anytime they want without consulting their masters. In another article featuring American Slavery under the British human rights and justice violation is exposed. The British definition of the rights and justice was depicted in the acts they did against the Americans during slavery (Douglass 3). To begin with, the mistreatment of children by being forced into working as laborers in the British homes was unjust and lead to the suffering of children. The human rights doctrine states that children should not be employed as labors. If an individual is caught employing children as laborers, he or she could be charged in a court of law and fined heavily. The AuthorLastName5 injustice of the British was never brought into questioning by authority. Instead it was perceived as a normal conduct. If Americans were to be slaves up to date then child laborers could be rampant. The speaker reports that the Americans were not allowed to go to school or receive any form of education. The individuals who sympathized with the blacks, and wanted to teach them how to read and write were captured and heavy punishment befell them. Education is a human right to be enjoyedShow MoreRelatedConsidering Rawls Assumption That The Main Body Responsible For Distributing The Rights Essay1317 Words   |  6 PagesConsidering Rawls assumption that the main body responsible for distributing the rights and duties in the society are the institutions, it is important to define what are the rights and duties that the institutions are responsible for guaranteeing. 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Saturday, December 21, 2019

Assessing the Security Risks of Cloud Computing - 2893 Words

Research Publication Date: 3 June 2008 ID Number: G00157782 Assessing the Security Risks of Cloud Computing Jay Heiser, Mark Nicolett Organizations considering cloud-based services must understand the associated risks, defining acceptable use cases and necessary compensating controls before allowing them to be used for regulated or sensitive information. Cloud-computing environments have IT risks in common with any externally provided service. There are also some unique attributes that require risk assessment in areas such as data integrity, recovery and privacy, and an evaluation of legal issues in areas such as e-discovery, regulatory compliance and auditing. Key Findings †¢ †¢ The most practical way to evaluate the risks†¦show more content†¦All this makes it easier for them to keep their costs down and scale to meet changing customer demands, but it also makes it harder to assess the risk to your organization from using such a service. Organizations potentially can gain a competitive or cost advantage through selective adoption of cloud computing, but not without first taking a comprehensive look at the associated risks, ensuring that they are consistent with business goals, along with the expectations of regulators, auditors, shareholders and partners. It is especially challenging to understand the risks associated with cloud computing, and CIOs, chief information security officers, compliance and privacy officers, and line-of-business managers should be involved in the risk assessment of new cloud-based services. If a company is considering the use of an external service of any sort, then it needs to: †¢ †¢ †¢ â⠂¬ ¢ Assess the security, privacy and regulatory compliance risks Identify use cases that are inappropriate for this service delivery method, based on risk level and current controls Identify use cases that pose an acceptable level of risk for the service delivery method Choose and implement compensating controls before going fully operational What to Evaluate Privileged User Access When sensitive data is processed outside the enterprise, or by non-employees, it means that organizational managers are less immediately aware of the nature and level ofShow MoreRelatedSecure Data Access For Cloud Computing1229 Words   |  5 PagesSecure Data Access in Cloud Computing Author: Sunil Sanka, Chittaranjan Hota, Muttukrishnan Rajarajan, Computer Science and Information Systems Group, Birla Institute of Technology and Science-Pilani Published in IEEE Explore,2010 Student details: 11CO19 Asmita Gupta 11CO35 Gaurangi Saxena Abstract Cloud computing [1][2] is an evolving computing paradigm in which resources of the computing infrastructure are providedRead MoreCloud Computing Case Study1423 Words   |  6 PagesCloud computing is a computing model which is widely applied and is one of the most recent terms in the computing industry. 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Friday, December 13, 2019

The Opium War Free Essays

In this descriptive essay the movement for china to prohibit opium and the formation and the devolution of the first opium war from 1839 till 1842 and its aftermaths for china will be shown. The Opium War was one of the most important points of inflexion in the history of china. Before this war, china was an autonomous feudal state that administrates the state without interventions of other states. We will write a custom essay sample on The Opium War or any similar topic only for you Order Now After the repression of the Qing Dynasty by the British and the signing of the disparate contract of Nanjing in 1842, china converted step by step to a half feudal and half colonial state. Already in the forties of the 19th century, Great Britain was a high developed, capitalistic State. After it has tightened its colonial control about India, their aggressions adjust against china. In this time china was still a self isolated feudal state with a dominant autarkic agricultural economic system. British industrial goods were not liked and couldn’t be sold in china in this time, so that Britain had to pay big amounts of silver to buy Chinese products like silk and tea. To avoid these high costs, Britain starts to bribe Chinese functionaries by opium. It was brought in rising high amounts to china. For example in contrast to 1820 where they brought 4000 cases with 600 kilo of opium for each to china, they transported 40000 cases of that in 1838 to the empire of the middle, which means that a very high amount of silver leaves china in this years. The price of silver was rising high so that the burden of the Farmers gains and the Qing Dynasty get into financial problems consequently. Thereby the number of opium smokers elevates, the feudal functionaries getting more and more corrupt and the fighting power of the Chinese army was enervated. Finally the Emperor of the Qing Dynasty Daoguang (from 1821 till 1850) was frightened of his authority. Because of that he sends the general governor of Hunan and Hubei, Lin Zexu, as a special representative to Guangzhou to eliminate dealing with opium. In Guangzhou he let arrested the dealers, punished corrupt functionaries and ordered the foreign traders to surrender their opium to him. The foreign traders also had to sign a commitment that they never would deliver opium to china again. The counteraction of Charles Elliot, the British inspector for trade in China, attempts to perforate the prohibition and told the foreign traders that they don’t have to sign the commitment and don’t have to surrender their opium to the Chinese governor. He also commands the trade ships which anchor in front of the Pearl River to get away. After those actions Lin Zexu prohibited all trading actions between Chinese and British people and let guard the British residential area by the army. On the 3rd of June in 1839 he gave the order to a public burn down of 1,15 million kilogram of the surrendered opium at the beach of Humen. Thereafter he wanted to go back to the normal trade between china and Britain with a general prohibition for opium. After the public burn down, Charles Elliot pressures the British government to start a vengeance war against china. In April of 1840 the British parliament declares a resolution for a war against china on what they started an offense in June. They first attacked the coast of Guangzhou with 40 warships and about 4000 army soldiers. That was the beginning of the opium war. The Chinese army was prepared well for this offense so that they can kickback the attacks in Guangzhou and later also in Xiamen in the province of Fujian. Later they charged Dinghai in the province of Zhejiang and push along to the north where they accomplished the harbor of Tianjing and menace the capital Beijing. The Qing administration was afraid about this development so that they sent Qishan, general governor of Zhili (today called Hebei), to Guangzhou to start negotiations for peace. But during the negotiations in January of 1841, the British army attacks the fort in front of Humen and captured it. Because of that Qishan was affected to sign the convention of Chuanbi which declares the abandonment of Hongkong to Great Britain and the payment of reparations for the burned opium. This convention was an affront for the Emperor Daoguang which threatened his authority. Because of that he declared the war against Great Britain. He sent his nephew Yishan to Guangzhou who should direct this military act. But even before he arrived the British army captured Humen that were protected by admiral Guan Tianpei and 400 soldiers. If they also blast to Guangzhou by cannon, Yishan capitulates, asked for peace and signed the convention of Guangzhou which obligates him to pay 6 million silver dollars as reparation for the war. But the Britain government was disaffected with the advantages of the provisional convention of Chuanbi so that they sent again 26 warships with 3500 soldiers to expand the war of aggressions. In august of 1841 they captured Xiamen and later in October Dinghai, Zhenhai and Ningbo in the province of Zhejiang. In June of 1942 they ineffectively attacked Wusong nearby shanghai and captured later shanghai itself and Zhejiang. In August the British warships advanced the Yangtzekiang River to ship to Nanjing. If they arrived at Nanjing the Qing administration sent a diplomatic, called Qiying, to a British ship for negotiate peace. On the 29th of August in 1842 he signed the infamous Chinese – British contract of Nanjing which was the first disparate Contract of the modern Chinese history. The contract, which includes 13 articles, orders China to open Guangzhou, Xiamen, Fuzhou, Ningbo and Shanghai as trade harbors, to assign Hongkong to Great Britain and pay a reparation of 21 million silver dollars. In the following year Great Britain compel the Qing administration to sign the abstract rules for the British – Chinese trade in five free trade harbors and also to sign the contract of Humen as accessory to the contract of Nanjing, which includes that the maximum duty for British goods is constricted on 5%. It also declares that British people are able to build up houses for permanent living. Through the Nanjing contract and other disparate contracts in the following years china lost its political independence. The inflow of foreign goods started to corrode the Chinese feudal economy. Because of that china developed into a half feudal and half colonial society in these years. In my opinion the opium war was a very important and influencing part of the Chinese history. I made the experience that you can find these influences till today. It especially affects Hong Kong which is a part of china again since 1997 but till 2047 declared as a special administrative region with an own currency and own rules. You can make this experience if you know different parts of china. In Hong Kong you can find many European looking buildings, a lot of western food and about 19. 000 Britain’s. It is a very international, intercultural city and nearly everybody speaks English. But you can also see the differences if you visit some other cities which were colonized before a long time. For example in Shanghai or Qindao. But every region which was colonized is again a part of china today. In the time of international trade and globalization a European people like me can’t imagine that in our days a region of a country is colonized by another country. And I also think that Daoguang, the emperor of the Qing Dynasty in the time of the opium war, reacts completely correct to this situation because no emperor in this world allow another country to make his nation addicted to drugs and cheat to them about the income of the international trade. So that I can say that I think that the events which happened turned into a negative light only because of the arrogance and presumption of the Britain’s, that captured parts of china, despite to the big resistance of China, to acquire things which were not owned by them and to browbeat a country which is cultural known for harmony till today. How to cite The Opium War, Papers

Thursday, December 5, 2019

Marketing and Customer Engagement Case Study on Fly Buys

Question: Discuss about theMarketing and Customer Engagementfor Case Study on Fly Buys. Answer: Introduction Loyalty New Zealand was established in the year 1996 by the Bank of New Zealand, IAG New Zealand Limited, Greenstone Energy Ltd and Foodstuffs Venture Limited in order to develop a coalition loyalty program. This program recognizes and rewards the consumers of New Zealand and provides the businesses with unparallel and vital information regarding the customers. The flagship loyalty program of Loyalty New Zealand is called Fly Buys, which has over 2.5 million card holders and 1.3 million active households who swipe their Fly Buys cards at over 50 partner businesses and redeem more than 2000 rewards daily. Chris Lamers was appointed as the Head of Customer Engagement in the year 2007 with the aim to re-launch the Fly Buys brand for continuous growth of the organization. As per the case study, Chris Lamers has selected one out of three options but in this assignment, an alternative option has been selected, compared and analyzed for the same. Brief Description of Third Option The third option that was selected by Chris Lamers was Fly Buys should focus on stretching the brand. Chris knew that he could data mine the extensive databases of Fly Buys with the aim to analyze the usage patterns of members and also to compare these with the external and corporate database. Therefore, it can be said that this particular option will help Chris Lamers and his team members to identify the gaps in the present market place (Pride Ferrell, 2012). On the basis of the outcome of this analysis, Fly Buys would add more partner companies and this provide the consumers of New Zealand with more options for earning points of Fly Buys. The particular option also aimed to add new products to the existing offerings of Fly Buys. Thus, it can be said that the particular third option has two objectives to add more partner companies and to add new products, both of which need a creative thinking skill. Alternate Option Recommended As per the case study, there are two more options, one of which can be selected for the continuous growth of the organization and also for re-launching the Fly Buys brand. These options include firstly, Fly Buys might launch a new brand and secondly, Fly Buys might put focus on the market penetration. Chris Lamers along with his team wondered if Fly Buys has reached the maximum penetration and whether the time was right for launching a new brand. Chris Lamers by keeping the first option in mind decided to launch a Youth Card branded loyalty program for the younger customers and a Senior Card branded loyalty program for senior customers. The reason behind this is that as per the statistics New Zealand trend data, the proportion of New Zealand consumers over the age of 65 years was expected to increase with the passage of time. However, with this particular option, Chris Lamers found that he might face trouble and high risk regarding the launching of any new brand in the present marke t as launching of new brand might take a lot of time and also the resources of Loyalty New Zealand. Thus, it can be recommended that Chris Lamers and his team should opt for the second option that is Fly Buys should focus on market penetration. It has been found that Fly Buys was extremely popular among the consumers of New Zealand. Therefore, Chris Lamers by keeping the second option in mind, he could focus on getting the existing customers or members to swipe their Fly Buys cards more often at the partner companies of Fly Buys. This particular method would help Fly Buys to increase its customers. As per the record of the extensive database of Fly Buys, it has been found that the consumers of New Zealand swipe their Fly Buys cards 300000 times per day or it can also be said that they redeem their Fly Buys Points for rewards (2000). These facts and figures imply that the present market of Fly Buys is already enriched but for continuous growth of the firm, Chris Lamers and his team should implement this second option. For this, Chris Lamers might introduce new strategies and can pro vide various offers and discounts in order to attract more customers and to increase the number of swiping times of the Fly Buys cards per day (Kotler Keller, 2012). Comparative Analysis It can be said that the recommended option i.e. to focus on the market penetration is better than the third option i.e. focus on stretching the brand. The reason behind this is that the stretching of brand is the process of utilizing the established brand names in launching products in a different and unrelated category of product. However, it has been found that the potential growth of the stretching of brand depends on the method by which the core product has been positioned in the minds of the customers (Hood, 2013). It can also be said that the new service or product has to fit the core brand or the resulting inappropriateness might demoralize the core brand. Generally, it has been found that the new product raises the equity of brand and also the profits of the firm (Kotler Armstrong, 2012). However, the primary disadvantage of implementing this particular strategy is that the stretching of a brand too far might develop the original brand distraction (Grewal Levy, 2012). In ad dition to this, brand stretching in any unrelated markets might lead to loss of reliability. Thus, Fly Buys should research about the product categories before implementing the particular strategy. Moreover, a risk is associated with this brand stretching strategy that is a new product might develop implications which might damage the image and reputation of core brand (Shani Chalasani, 2013). Therefore, it can be said that the implementation of brand stretching strategy might also affect the reputation of the company and this would lead the firm to run under loss as the customer base of the organization would also decrease. Additionally, it might happen that due to less awareness and trial, the management might not provide sufficient investment for the introduction of new services and products as they could assume the spin-off effects might compensate the original brand name (Elliott, Rundle-Thiele, Waller, 2012). It has been found that if the brand stretching does not has any ad vantage over the competitive brands in the newly introduced categories of products and services, then it might fail. Therefore, it can be said that the third option focus on stretching the brand is associated with several high risks. Thus, the second option to focus on the market penetration is comparatively better than third option focus on stretching the brand. Moreover, market penetration has various tactics that help to reduce the production cost of the company and also helps to increase the profitability of the firm (Burns Bush, 2014). Implication of Recommended Option The second option is considered as the recommended one for the particular circumstances of Fly Buys. The second option is that the Fly Buys should put focus on the market penetration. Therefore, it can be said that if this option of focusing on market penetration is implicated within the Fly Buys, then it will earn various advantages. These include firstly, the market penetration might cause quick adoption and diffusion of the product and services in the present market (Bosik, 2011). Secondly, this might also create goodwill among those consumers and this might also develop customer referrals (Czinkota Ronkainen, 2013). Thirdly, by focusing on the market penetration, the efficiency of Fly Buys might be encouraged due to thinner profit margins. This occurs due to aggressive pricing and the efficiency is required for maintaining profitability (Aaker, 2013). Fourthly, the competitors feel dispirited to enter the market, thus it can be said that the market penetration strategy can resi st the entry of the new entrants to the market. In addition to these, the market penetration strategy takes the advantage of lower pricing in order to raise the demand of product and also to raise the share of the market (Armstrong Kotler, 2013). On the other hand, it can also be said that with the increase in the demand, the organization Fly Buys can save money on the cost of production as the volume of production increases. Therefore, the second option is also suitable for the operation and regulation of Fly Buys in the present circumstances. Conclusion Therefore, it can be concluded that for any organization, continuous growth of the business is an essential factor for running the business successfully. It has been found that there are various options for the particular organization Fly Buys to grow continuously. Hoever, some of the options are associated with higher risks and challenges. Thus, in order to lower the risk, the management should analyze each of the options in detail such that the associated risk can be studied well. Depending on the amount of risks, the management should select the accurate option and should implement it in order to run the business effectively. Here, Chris Lamers has selected the third option i.e. to focus on stretching the brand but he might also opt for the second option i.e. to focus on market penetration as the later one is associated with relatively lower risks. References Aaker, D. (2013).Marketing research. Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley Sons. Armstrong, G. Kotler, P. (2013).Marketing. Boston: Prentice Hall. Bosik, D. (2011).Mobile marketing advertising 2012. [Place of publication not identified]: Mind Commerce Publishing, LLC. Burns, A. Bush, R. (2014).Marketing research. Boston: Pearson. Czinkota, M. R., Ronkainen, I. A. (2013).International marketing. Cengage Learning. Elliott, G., Rundle-Thiele, S., Waller, D. (2012).Marketing. Milton, Qld.: John Wiley and Sons Australia. Grewal, D. Levy, M. (2012).Marketing. New York: McGraw-Hill/Irwin. Hood, D. (2013).The marketing manifesto. London: Kogan Page. Kotler, P. Armstrong, G. (2012).Principles of marketing. Boston: Pearson Prentice Hall. Kotler, P. Keller, K. (2012).Marketing management. Upper Saddle River, N.J.: Prentice Hall. Pride, W. Ferrell, O. (2012).Marketing 2012. Mason, Ohio: Cengage Learning. Shani, D., Chalasani, S. (2013). Exploiting niches using relationship marketing.Journal of Services Marketing.

Thursday, November 28, 2019

Giottos Arena Chapel Essay Example

Giottos Arena Chapel Paper Giotto;s Arena Chapel Among the early renaissance artist many left long lasting impressions on the artist to come, but none stood out more than the Florentine painter and architect, Giotto. An outstanding painter, sculptor, and architect he was recognized as thefirst geniuses of art in the Italian Renaissance.Giotto lived and worked at a time when people were beginning to be freed from the medieval restraints and he dealt in traditional religious subjects, which the people could relate with. Giotto;s most famous works is the Arena Chapel in Padua. In the year 1300, Enrico Scrovegni, a wealthy, merchant acquired the ruins of an old Roman arena with an adjoining chapel. Scrovegni wanted to use the chapel as a family place of worship. Five years after he obtained the Arena Chapel, Enrico Scrovegni charged Giotto with the job of painting the interior walls of the chapel. Giotto accepted the job and began work on the chapel immediately. The walls of the chapel were both restricted an d asymmetrical due to the six windows on the right wall. Giotto measured and decided to divide the walls into panels of the same size. In the panels Giotto painted a series of thirty-eight frescoes depicting the life of Christ on one wall and the Life of the Virgin Mary on the opposing wall. Above the archways are pictures of the Last Judgment and the Annunciation. Giotto showed his genius again by leaving no empty wall space. A significant innovation is the dado painted to imitate a veined marble wall. Also between the panels of the fake marble are small frescoes imitating sculptors of the seven virtues and seven vices. This was typical of the 15th and 16th centuries and Giotto used this style previously on Campanile in Florence. Giotto;s style is showed in all of the paintings of the chapel except the Annunciation. He concentrated on the grasp of human emotion and of what was significant in human life.

Sunday, November 24, 2019

Communication Today

Communication Today Do you think communication is a No-Brainer? Communication is consistently listed as one of the keys to success in business and life, and just as frequently identified by employees as a key missing link to maximum productivity and job satisfaction. We communicate every day verbally and nonverbal to co-workers, to people on the phone, and to our family. We?ve been communicating since the day we were born. Actually, we were communicating before we were born, in our mother?s womb. What is communication? Communication is the process of constructing meaning together. We live in a world of meaning, and communication is the process of collaboratively constructing these meanings. We hope in this process, that presenting something to other individuals that we are getting our ideas across precisely. We would hope that through this process the receiver would be able to translate our messages into ideas. Unfortunately there are a lot of barriers to this process.CommunicationI will be discussing f our different topics, verbal nonverbal communication, perception, listening, and self-disclosure. Through the presentation of these topics, I will demonstrate several ways in which we can communicate among ourselves more effectively. This paper will demonstrate how we can become more effective as communicators, and to be able to apply the four topics covered.Verbal communication includes anything written, or spoken. Nonverbal communication includes eye contact, body movement, facial expression, tone of voice, touch, silence, and several different expressions. This book discusses verbal nonverbal communication jointly. It has become obvious that you can't really separate the verbal nonverbal parts. As stated by D.J. Higginbotham D.E. Yoder, "It is impossible to study either verbal or nonverbal communication as isolated structures. Rather, these systems should be regarded as a unified communication construct." One example that the author s John Stewart ...

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Global Market Research Case Study Analysis Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Global Market Research Analysis - Case Study Example The turnaround was masterminded by two employees who decided to work without pay and their efforts were rewarded when S/M Architects won the competition for the aquatics facility for the Canada games. Buoyed by the success of sports complex design and construction, Sperry Architects now wants to enter into new markets. According to (Keegan 2013) firms enter into new markets to increase profitability, stem inherent risks in the home market and therefore ensure long term business stability. With economists predicting a recession in 1989 and local competition heating up it is clear why Sperry Architects wants to enter into a new market. Entering a new market comes with substantial risk, challenges as well as opportunities (Moschis, 1994). Sperry/MacLennan Architects is seeking to enter a new market and must therefore conduct a thorough market research and analysis to increase its chances of success in the new market. In this case S/M Architects must pay close attention to the following. It is imperative that S/M defines the target market it intends to satisfy and the opportunities for growth. Entering a saturated market might not offer many new opportunities. It is also important to identify gaps in the market and weigh the current players in the market while paying close attention to their strengths and weaknesses. Beall (2010) notes that laws regarding business practice vary from province to province as well as country to country. Tax laws as well as well as amount of profits which can be repatriated back home are key issues which should be taken into consideration by S/M Architects before venturing into new markets. Understanding the market dynamics and consumer behavior of the target market is crucial to the success of any firm with intentions of expanding into a foreign market. Cultural beliefs shape the consumption patterns in new

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

FBI Jounral The Deadly Mix Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

FBI Jounral The Deadly Mix - Essay Example This is just an example of an occurrence where the Deadly Mix came together, which, according to the authors, have caused deaths and fatal injuries to the enforcement agents involved. Hence, profound understanding and insightful examination of these elements as well as proper knowledge with regards the issue could save an officer's life as it is quite impossible to profile which offender will likely assault an officer. Similarly, even an officer who relies on his long experience in confronting offenders in risky circumstances may discover that his 'complacency' can be a trap. The interaction of each of the facet of these components, the authors contends, 'are fluid and dynamic' as wrong perception and assumption of at least one of the three have dangerous consequences to an officer. A careful examination of these occurrences can prevent an officer from putting his life to risks (Pinizzotto et al, 2007). An assessment of this issue is ex

Monday, November 18, 2019

Human rights issues Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Human rights issues - Essay Example The human rights declaration in 1948 was a major achievement for the United Nations. This was because, from different regions in the world, the human rights documents included values which were to be applied globally to all citizens across the world irrespective of gender, race or ethnicity. Moreover, the basic functions in which human rights were created to serve were to ensure equality among men in different spheres of life, and endowed individuals with an opportunity to have life, liberty and happiness in all corners of the planet. Human rights apply in all major contexts which characterized daily human activities around the planet. They are social, physical, emotional, and economical amongst others. What this simply means is that the values stated in the human rights document are applicable in all aspects of life. An example is when trading, there are human rights values which both parties must abide to exercise equality. The topic of human rights is of extreme importance to me b ecause in my understating it has made my world a better place. Unlike before where the world was full insecurities, today I know with course I can travel to anywhere within my country and to freely interact with any individuals whosoever I wish without developing fear or being discriminated because of gender, race or ethnicity. In addition, to other individuals, human rights is of extreme importance because in a century or year, characterized by globalization

Friday, November 15, 2019

How Culture Language And Tradition Are Affected Cultural Studies Essay

How Culture Language And Tradition Are Affected Cultural Studies Essay A countrys culture, language and tradition are a very big component to the structure and well-being of the people. So, when this country has been taken over or conquered, all these factors change. The language will be destroyed and so will the culture. This might sometimes result to a bad beginning, especially looking at the factors that differs the country from the others such as the culture, the tradition and language. These factors are very important as they show the countries independency and uniqueness. In any event, colonization and the grant of lands were provincial matters. Albert Bushnell Hart. Globally, when a country is conquered, it might be very good for the country itself and also the people, looking at it in an economic perspective. Over a hundred new nations were born during the process of de-colonization. Most of these new nations, however, had not existed at all as nations before colonization, or they had not existed within the post-colonial borders. Mark N. Katz. Collapsed Empires. In Managing Global Chaos: Sources of and Responses to International Conflict. Looking at it socially, the culture will be forcefully changed or altered, which will affect the people. Also a colonised country createssituations that encourage a group to its rivalry. This enabled the Soviet authorities to continuously be called upon by the people of the region to help them manage conflicts that were bound to emerge as a result of these artificial divisions.-Randa M.Slim The Ferghana Valley: In the Midst of a Host of Crises. In Searching for Peace in Central and South Asia: An Overview of C onflict Prevention and Peace building Activities. Around the world many countries are colonised, however that means that greater countries such as America and United Kingdom are having more and more power of their culture being spread out. This gives these countries an upper hand, especially when compared to less economically developed counties. Looking at the country that is being colonised perspective, this country is losing its individuality. Sometimes the country gets to keep it culture but since its colonised, some part of the culture is going to be altered or even forgotten once this new culture has been introduced. Countries under foreign command quickly forget their history, their past, their tradition, their national symbols, their way of living, often their own literary language. Slobodan Milosevic At the same time we can see that globally the western culture is spreading and many people and countries live with this culture. The western civilisation has taken over our world and this has a lot to do with the fact that globalisation and colonised countries are a root to the western countries. Whatever you see on TV, listen on the radio or even buy clothes from the store is what the western civilization wears, listen to, and even acts. All this is spreading over our world and everyone is being infected. However, if we all held on to our cultures, wherever we are, whatever we are doing it will always be part of us. So for our cultures to still be intact, we should try individually to maintain and not forget what our country was once proud to be part of. This all starts by first respecting and loving to be part of the culture. After that, we wont only not forget but teach others who have forgotten their tradition. Locally, Ethiopia has many different cultures and languages. It takes pride to its individuality of the local People. Ethiopia is one of the only countries in Africa that is not conquered by another. For this reason, its culture is still intact. Even if globalisation is taking place, the different culture of the people still stays strong. I am not implying that people still live the same as they did in the olden days, but even if children or even students live with the latest technology, they still speak their traditional language everywhere, and their parents reinforce their culture to be intact. In my experience, I live in a country where tradition contributes to the way we live, talk and even act.Your culture and language take a big part in who you are. Wherever you go in Ethiopia, there are no local people that are not culture oriented. The people also know how important that their culture is and so for this reason many people tend to hold on their heritage their parents taught t hem. Since the people in Ethiopia are one hundred per cent devoted to their culture, I dont believe that we will lose our touch. One main reason that Ethiopia is like this is that it is not colonised; the cultures that have been living for the past hundred years are still living strong. Personally I think that a countries culture and language are extremely important. This shows the tradition of the local people. Since I live in a country focused on culture, I know how important it is. My parents worry sometimes that I a forgetting my tradition because of the school I go to and globalisation, that we go visit my cultural town, Harar. They also try to speak to me in my language, Haderegna.Since my culture is a big part of me, I am interested to always know moreabout my culture. This also is because my grandmother was the niece of the last king of Harar. Knowing that my great uncle was royalty got my attention. I believe as I grow older I will tend to want to know more and will try to teach my children are family the significance of Harar. Globalisation is affecting the way people think about their cultures. Since modern technology has taken over our world, what once was thought of as a tradition is now forgotten. In the past, marriage used to be very important in someone lifes, now people are striving more to get a good education and job then thinking about settling down and starting a family. This goes for many traditions that are now not thought of as important. I understand why this is happening. These generations get that if we dont have a good job then we will not succeed in life. Colonisation brings globalisation, and so more and more people are forgetting about their culture to try to live a successful life. However, when now thought of our future, we all think the western way. Globalisation also takes a big part in this. Everything on TV, to the clothes in every modern shop is filled with westernized products. All this new ways of a better living is thought of the only way of living and so encouraging us to fo rget about our traditions. When a country is colonised with MEDCS, the will improve economically which means they will be more civilised and westernised. So globalisation would have taken place in that country, making people move further away from their original culture and tradition. The loss of national identity is the greatest defeat a nation can know, and it is inevitable under the contemporary form of colonization. Slobodan Milosevic. We all need to understand that even if globalisation is happening all around us, we will always have to try to keep our cultures intact for our own purposes. It might seem easy to fit into or live in a western civilisation, however later on we will feel as if we are missing something, like that taste of our cultural food or the sound of our cultural music even that language we didnt seem to understand in our childhood. So overall, for us to be truly happy and not live someone elses life, we will need to hold on with a strong grip on the culture that will always be a part of each and every one of us.

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

Truth vs. Lie Essay :: essays research papers

I agree with the statement "honesty is the best policy". People will be able to trust people who are honest, liars will have rumors spread around about them, and it's just plain easier to tell the truth. Nobody likes people who lie all the time and won't know whether to trust them or not. People get annoyed by people who lie a lot. Being honest and having a reputation of never lying makes people trust them more. People are more likely to come up to a person who tells the truth and ask them a question. They are more likely to get the right answer and not a lie. People who tell the truth are more respected and aren't looked down at for being a liar. People can be trusted more when they constantly tell the truth. When they ask if they can go out and do something, they are more likely to be able to because others trust them and they don't have to worry. Liars have rumors spread around about how they lie all the time. Nobody wants to talk to them because they won't know if they are lying to them or not. They aren't trusted as much as people who don't lie. Liars never get very far in life and always have a reputation of lying. It's much better to tell the truth and have friends who trust them, rather than lying and having rumors spread around making no one like them. It's actually easier to just tell the truth. There are many reasons for this. One reason is, people don't have to think of lame excuses, making it much faster. Another reason is, people who tell the truth won't get in as much trouble when someone finds out that they lied to them.